Reverse Logistics & Hub Returns

More than simplifying the logistics of hub returns, Applicat zeroes them out, saving untold sums of money and time.

Much more than a headache

Exponential delivery growth invariably leads to more undelivered packages that must be returned to the hub for delivery retries. In addition to the cost and complexity of the ensuing reverse logistics, such returns deoptimize routes, increase damage risk, and can severely tarnish your reputation.

Logistics challenges

Grow your capacity AND minimize returns

Applicat gives you the means to benefit fully from the booming delivery economy without being held back by the heavy weight of hub returns and reverse logistics.

Minimize returns and grow logistics capacity

Say goodbye to undeliverable packages!

With Right-First-Time AI and Field Intelligence Insights, your drivers will never face a wrong address, a “nobody home” situation or any of the dozens of other obstacles to first-time delivery.

Breathe life into dead deliveries

Customers can be unexpected and environmental variables change. Giving you a full-view of returns and remaining deliveries, Applicat lets you pivot and reroute to avoid returns and keep your customers happy.

Be ready when returns do happen

Despite everything, some packages will end up on the van back to the hub. Although a rarity with Applicat, the platform seamlessly integrates reverse logistics, ensuring safe package return and optimal redelivery attempts.

Every which way technology

Returns and reverse logistics aren’t an add on module in Applicat, they are a fundamental part of our platform’s all-inclusive 360° design for high-performance, cost-effective operations and superior customer experiences.

  • Real-time view – see exactly what’s happening with all of your returns and how you can save them from coming back to the hub.
  • Full mobile app situational coverage – any and all return situations are easily viewed and addressed in the Applicat Mobile App.
  • Right-First-Time AI – Our hybrid-AI that ensures first-time delivery and eliminates returns altogether.
Delivery and logistics platform

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