First Mile Delivery
The Right First Step in Right-First-Time Delivery

Like an elite relay runner, smoothly pass the baton from manufacturer to distributor to retailer, and flawlessly handoff execution to your last mile for a winning delivery experience.

Fusing your first and last miles into a seamless parcel journey

Often over looked because of its lack of customer touch points, the technological gap between the first mile and the last has grown ever wider. Well aware that exceling at the last mile requires a brilliantly-run first mile, we’re bridging this divide. Applicat incorporates a robust first mile module, including extensive operational visibility, detailed cage management, and fine-grained tracking, planting the seeds for fast, steadily flowing delivery.

First mile flow
First mile flow
Hub management screen

Hubs, warehouses, cages, and parcels - your entire first mile at your fingertips

The first mile is all about bulk, the last mile is about delivering single packages on the first attempt. With Applicat's First Mile, you can see how goods move in and out of your hubs, warehouses and sorting centers, and drill down to cages and to each parcel’s specific route, helping you avoid multiple domino effects from first mile delays and mistakes, ensure precision sorting and easily follow parcel transition into the last leg of its travels.

Hub management screen

Making sure missing packages don’t become lost packages

As parcels spread out in the first mile, so does it become more difficult to find a parcel that has goes missing, a task that demands extra resources and generates financial losses. Applicat’s granular visibility will immediately notify you as soon as a missing package is scanned, allowing you to maneuver as needed, and very likely recoup a potential lost delivery.

Real-time package statuses
Real-time package statuses
Cage overview screen

Roll with your cages across the first mile

Know what’s in your roll cages, keep track of where they were, are, and going, understand the integrity of their parcel contents and of the cages themselves, and get a handle on cage allocation. In a few words – get to know your cages inside and out to optimally manage parcel journeys and provide next-level customer experiences.

Cage overview screen

Track and trace to keep up your delivery pace

Delivery excellence is built on the successful voyage of each and every parcel you handle, from the moment it enters your supply chain. With this at the top of our minds, Applicat lets you monitor, track, and trace each parcel from first mile to last mile to recipient doorstep, including a detailed timeline, real-time delivery path mapping, tracking all related parcels associated with a given task and more.

You create value by providing your customers with exceptional delivery experiences.

Applicat’s first mile, is where this value creation begins.

Ensure your cages and parcels march through your first mile swiftly and painlessly
Fast pace, minimal errors, and less overhead allow you to handle greater delivery volumes with better outcomes
Easy to use
Intuitive, user friendly and clear, understanding the situation and deciding on action couldn’t be simpler.
Real-time visibility
Maximize your agility and responsiveness by keeping abreast of each package’s and cage’s journey as they unfold.

Learn more about the Applicat edge

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